Cool Sites I like...

Here are some really cool web-sites that I think you will find useful.   At the very least you can waste a few hours looking at them!

Refdesk This site can help you find a ton of stuff quite quick

Copyblogger this crazy nut seems to know a few things about writting!

PaperSpecs  As hard as it is to believe...I think this lady knows more than me about paper.

 Egoscue Method   This exercise program is fantastic.   Worth every penny!  Best ever.

Rock and Ice   If you are climbing the walls, go here to learn how to do it better.

Paper Airplanes    This site is great for kids...printout a pattern and watch a clip of how to fold them.

Printable Templates  This page has graph paper, sheet music masters etc...

I'm A Winner !!!!  Check this out!